Saturday, November 29, 2008


Foto rambu ini diambil di perlintasan kereta api jalan raya Krian - Mojosari, sepintas memang gak ada yang salah namun kalo dicermati ternyata tulisannya agak keseleo.

Nah ini dia tulisan yang terpampang di sana, jadi sesungguhnya persoalannya bukan sekedar salah tulis saja tetapi kontrol atas suatu pekerjaan yang kayaknya belum optimal sehingga suatu rambu dengan tulisan yang begitu besarnya tidak diteliti kembali sebelum dipasang. Pelajaran yang harus kita ambil dari kasus ini adalah suatu kelalaian akan membuang biaya yang tidak sedikit (untuk memperbaikinya).
Disamping itu penggunaan kata-kata harus diperhatikan juga. Coba anda bayangkan di jalan yang sepadat itu kalau setiap pengendara harus berhenti untuk tengok kiri kanan macet nggak yaaaaa ????
Mudah-mudahan segera di benahi.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Adik Iparku menikah nih !

Ini adalah Iwan Tirta dan Elisa waktu lagi jadi manten, keren nggak ?

Sang Ponakan

Ini adalah foto keponakan saya, Michael dan Cindy. (Sory yah kalo namanya slah tulis)
Mereka ini lucu lho trus asyik abis. Ada yang mau kenalan ? hubungi ........................
Today's Fantasy Becomes Tomorrow's Reality
A part of article by Arthur Levine
It's all a matter of perspective and imagination. Have you ever dreamed up an idea and then seen someone come up with your idea in the form of a new invention or service and get credit for a brilliant new discovery?
Everything from submarines to airplanes have been dreamed up and written about as fantasy before they became part of our reality. What does this teach us about fantasizing about things? Is it just a form of presenting new discoveries before they become functionally possible or practical?
Maybe our imaginations are outstripping our ability to perform so we have to create new concepts in the form of fantasy before we can express them as new realities. Maybe we have to write about it before we can live it. Maybe we are living it already and do not know that what we write is not fantasy, but the real thing.
Perhaps the discovery of new dimensions, or time travel is going to be part of our new reality at some time in the future. There are some who believe that if you can imagine it someone someday will make it happen, or it already exists and we haven't developed sufficiently as a society to see it and understand the reality of it.
Is God always by our side? Does the devil really exist? Are there aliens in our midst? Can we travel into the future, or go back to change the past without destroying the fragile fabric of our culture, and our world?